24/7 - 365
Overall Satisfaction with Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
Microsoft 365 is used by all employees on a daily basis for everyday stuff. We all have Outlook emails, share files with OneDrive and Teams, and have standard office templates set up for things like Proposal Requests, ASI's, etc. We also use Microsoft 2 step authentication for logins for better security.
- Emails/Calendar organize your emails, color coat them, turn them into tasks with follow-up dates, etc. Outlook calendar is life.
- Being able to access your files online is very useful for live editing and sharing thoughts with teammates who may be across the ocean similar to Google Docs.
- Interoperability between teams and OneDrive, PowerPoint, Word, Excel.
- Specifically on Teams, while video calling you should be able to draw on the shared screen like Zoom. Not a whiteboard, just a live drawing over the screen.
- We have noticed that Sharepoint has a max capacity so every so often we need to clear out our old presentations and stuff to make room for the new ones. The process to do this could be inside of teams themselves rather than going to a web browser.
- PowerPoint in both the browser app and the installed app - wish you could crop and resize images AND THEN re-link an updated image and it would save your cropping/resizing like in Adobe InDesign.
- Wish the "Categories" you can assign in Outlook emails (which include color coatings) would show up in the phone app.
- Wish the "Categories" you can assign in Outlook emails (which include color coatings) could have unlimited color selections and custom hotkey binds.
- Outlook
- Teams
- PowerPoint
- OneDrive
- 2 Step Authentication
- Being able to click and drag to save down emails into our folders for legal record.
- I don't have any ROI info because I am a technical staff who does not see those numbers. I will say that we are constantly using Teams/Outlook especially with the pandemic and digital collaboration has been made possible with Microsoft 365. As the work culture changes, our firm really leaned into this suite to adapt and change with it.
I was not in charge of choosing Microsoft 365, but I have used Google Drive extensively in the past. Google Drive and OneDrive are VERY similar. you can hook them up to your file explorer and share links, auto-sync files, and access them on your mobile/tablet, etc. Google Docs and Word are pretty similar too. I think one thing that sets Microsoft apart is the SharePoint + Teams combo. Our team works from home a lot and we all can access live files such as Word documents that need to be coordinated with other team members. Having all of the software that you touch on a daily basis speak nicely to each other just makes sense. While you can achieve the live shared documents in Google Drive the way Sharepoint associates them to your "Team" and how they are at your fingertips is amazing, I can't imagine working another way now.
Do you think Microsoft 365 delivers good value for the price?
Not sure
Are you happy with Microsoft 365's feature set?
Did Microsoft 365 live up to sales and marketing promises?
I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process
Did implementation of Microsoft 365 go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
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