Trello is the Task Master
May 16, 2019

Trello is the Task Master

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Trello

It's used across two departments that were having a hard time knowing what the other department was doing and the impact their jobs had on each other. Implementing Trello to have a list between departments keeps both sides accountable and knowledgeable for the companies good.


  • Multiple task lists up at once.
  • Multiple ways to provide and assign tasks, well organized.
  • Freedom to build a workflow that best fits your team.


  • Personally, I don't need the pats on the back, power-ups, cute stickers, etc.
  • I wish the UI was a bit easier.
  • It would be nice to see how it's used with other companies to see how it can be developed more in our business.
  • Opened communication across departments that are in different locations.
  • Considering we use the free version, it has not had any negatives.
Basecamp has a broader set of functions and allows for client interaction. It has the task segment that Trello has but it also has many other options for collaboration and organization. Bigger product with a price tag that goes with it.
It has definitely helped keep all items on top of my mind. Knowing everyone can see each other's lists helps with accountability. However, it is a task-oriented program, not a full project management application. It has its place within our organization.

Trello Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Email integration
Mobile Access


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