Young but quite robust.
- Payments; ACH, VCard and check. Domestic only however
- SKU tracking (the AI part that works reasonably well)
- Invoice Processing Automation (Think on steroids)
- Non-invoice document management still lacking.
- Merging multiple pages into one invoice is an art (and often not possible). Requires very significant manual intervention.
- Does not have 1099 tracking (in theory my ERP does this....but I keep my vendors in PiQ.
- Tracking spend by vendor and account.
- Tracking sku costs (including imported from external systems)
- Executing payments.
- This is worth about 1 person-year of book-keeping. It permits us to do things we were not doing.
- It provides for functional transferability; in our prior system a vacation meant vendors didn't get paid.
- It is pretty easy for line managers to use. This increases institutional visibility.
- The Spend function (virtual credit cards) also saves time....that we didn't have. Perhaps 2-3 person-weeks per year.