Heap vs. Kissmetrics

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 8.3 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Heap is a web analytics platform captures every user interaction on web iOS with no extra code. The tool allows you to track events and set up funnels to understand user flow and dropoff. It also provides visualization tools to track trends over time.
per month
Score 9.6 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Kissmetrics is a customer engagement automation platform. This solution includes behavioral analytics, segmentation, and email campaign automation.
per month
Editions & Modules
Up to 10k sessions/month
Starting at $3,600 annually
Up to 300k sessions/year
Contact Heap Sales
Custom sessions per month and unlimited projects
Contact Heap Sales
Custom sessions per month
Monthly Tracked People
Monthly Tracked People
Monthly Tracked People
Pricing Offerings
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeOptional$1,500 per installation
Additional DetailsHeap pricing is based on session volume. A session is a period of activity from a single user on your app or website. It can include many pageviews or events.What are Monthly Tracked People? Monthly Tracked People are unique visitors that engage in an Event on your website or with your product, that gets tracked by you in Kissmetrics. Monthly Tracked People can be anonymous or identified.
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Considered Both Products
Chose Heap
all of them may have their own strong suits but Heap is backed by best in class ML and AI algorithms. not only that all this powerful and robust backends are well handles also from the frontend. no matter how good your software is, if it is somewhat hard to navigate or to get …
Chose Heap
Heap was the clear winner in our comparison as it had a clear interface which allows for easy graph and table making. The best part of Heap is that it saves each and every action performed on all of our webpages. Even if a certain event is not defined, it can still be created …
Chose Heap
Heap is far easier to use compared to these.
Chose Heap
We tested Kissmetrics but Heap was superior in nearly every way. Sure, Kissmetrics has functionality to integrate with an external database linking your website data to orders and revenue but when it came down to it this functionality is less than perfect and Kissmetrics …

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Top Pros
Top Cons
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Small Businesses
Score 8.8 out of 10
Score 9.6 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.4 out of 10
Score 9.0 out of 10
Score 9.4 out of 10
Matomo Analytics
Matomo Analytics
Score 9.1 out of 10
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User Ratings
Likelihood to Recommend
(232 ratings)
(48 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(9 ratings)
(27 ratings)
(64 ratings)
(6 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(6 ratings)
(61 ratings)
(6 ratings)
Support Rating
(8 ratings)
(9 ratings)
In-Person Training
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Online Training
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(3 ratings)
(7 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Ease of integration
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Product Scalability
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
Likelihood to Recommend
Scenarios when Heap was well suited: It is when a user claims that he encountered a bug without giving us the details of the error message. Scenarios where it is less appropriate: Its when we try to capture user interaction in our mobile app
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[Kissmetrics is well suited for the] abandon cart scenario to re-engage users on the purchase journey. Engaging users to personalized content using the visit metrics derived from the data captured at each digital touch points. [Implementing] website campaign and journey orchestration is easy. You get visitor profile to segment upon using different visit metrics and action.
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  • Realtime interactions which are captured automatically is a unique feature which no other product offers.
  • Low code implementation is a big plus for marketing teams, as there is less dependency on engineering
  • Detailed customer behaviours can be studied with captured replay sessions
  • Due to all the above points - it helped to improve customer experience
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  • The more events you track and properties you send along, the more you can see how specific users use your product/service. The user based timeline gives you a perfect start point to get in touch with users, because you can see where they get stuck.
  • Tracking your traffic sources and how they influence conversions is awesome. You can get a perfect view of how much a traffic source contributes to revenue.
  • Funnel reports give you more insights into micro and macro conversion steps and give you actionable data to work with.
  • Customer support!
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  • I think Heap can improve its onboarding; I would love to see some info that is helpful for someone who isn't in Heap every single day.
  • Sharing dashboards can be tricky, it feels like a huge learning curve that I already have forgotten how to do.
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  • Installing.... yes this is also a negative. While you can install and have the program running in minutes, if you use Unbounce, the form tracking process is quite complicated!
  • Updates... I feel like the product updates have slowed a lot lately. Thankfully, the product functionality is so amazing that it hasn't impeded the use of it. However, it is still disappointing to see less frequent software updates.
  • Occasionally clunky UI... there are a few reports that are really easy to mess up and leave you scratching your head on why it isn't showing you any data.
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Likelihood to Renew
It's a great platform. I'm glad that one of our product managers introduced it because it has allowed us to create all kinds of new functionality. We're not only able to create a better product experience from our communications because of Heap, but we're also able to generate all kinds of helpful analysis.
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Price sensitivity and the different choices that now exist in the Analytics industry. I think it makes sense for us sometime this year to rethink our analytics strategy to see how we may leverage the best of GA (which has included lots of new features and updates the past years_, Kiss and other tools as need be
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On a scale from 1-10, I find Heap to be incredibly user-friendly and easy to use. I enjoyed the training videos available and was quickly able to pick up how to create events and reports to track user interactions on our product. I would recommend Heap for its usability first and foremost.
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Right after login, you'll get to a dashboard which shows you a quick view on how your business is doing across the events you are tracking. There is no need to dig deeper than that unless you want to, in which case it's very easy to do so just by clicking on the metric on which you want more information. The interface is very intuitive.
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Reliability and Availability
I've never run into any issues with Heap's availability, Heap is always there when I need it. I haven't run into any issues like application errors or unplanned outages during my 2+ years of using Heap. Each and every time I log in to Heap I have a completely functional experience
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The application was very rarely down; during the period we used the application, I can think of only two or three occasions in which the site was down. Notably, at no time was the the performance of our own site compromised as a result.
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Heap doesn't affect page load times considerably nor has a large impact [on] our overall score, as far as page loading times inside of the tool its pretty reliable to retrieve data as much as "instant" that it can be the delay seems to be on data getting tracked into the servers to be read but it's not significant.
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Speed improved dramatically as the service matured. Early iterations of the publicly-released application would occasionally provide slow processing of results, but those delays became much rarer occurrences during the last year that we used KISSmetrics. One of the more impressive views (which started out feeling more like a toy) is the live view of visits. Knowing that you could see, in real time, what events a user triggered, was gratifying and instructive.
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Support Rating
Heap support has allowed us to troubleshoot and test a lot of different items. Their support team is always helpful and friendly, even when we come to them with the most complicated questions. I think this greatly improves the value proposition of the product because their support team is knowledgable and friendly.
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Our front-line product support person (Mika) is great. She is responsive and great to work with.

However, the data accuracy issue described earlier is the reason for the low score here. This issue was escalated from front-line to support to level 2 technical support and then it disappeared into a black hole. Escalations, in general, do not go well. We get no response for days, or I have to chase things down. This is not acceptable. Marketing metrics are critically important to me and I need answers quickly. I cannot afford to wait around for days / weeks for a response.

Just to be clear, these comments only apply to escalated support issues.
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In-Person Training
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Again, we were fortunate to work with KISSmetrics as they built their application, but Hiten, their CEO and founder, was incredibly helpful to me personally, and to our metrics-driven business as a whole, as we adopted their tool.
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Online Training
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I loved this aspect of the product. It wasn't just that the documentation and online tutorials are great - which they are - the on-boarding process though was really stellar. Once you have set everything up, you get a welcome message followed by a step-by-step guide to get you started that is built right into the product interface. For example, the UI asks you to first do X, and then copy this code snippet and send it to your developer who will know what to do with it. When you come back after the first interaction with the product, it continues the process by explaining right in the UI how to track events etc. This kind of step-by-step approach is incredibly efficient. Although there are various forms of supporting documentation (PDFs videos etc) to support every step, you don't really need them. This approach means that you are up and running very quickly with virtually no training time or documentation consultation. Highly efficient process.
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Implementation Rating
The implementation was smooth and easy. The Heap team helped us with implementation and it went great! Within a few weeks, we were fully up and running and utilizing the platform to its full capability. This is an additional thing that has made this platform so great and we couldn't recommend it enough.
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In order to build trackability down to revenue, there was quite a lot of work to integrate Kissmetrics with our software and internal process. We had to build the hooks so that Kissmetrics could call back into our software and billing system, etc.. However, we didn't need additional expertise to do this. Once you understand the API, and you own systems, making it work is not too difficult. We did not require an outside consultant or anything like that
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Alternatives Considered
Heap offers a ton of functionality on a single platform.It also has an smart data science layer to offers suggestions for next steps in the analysis, allowing us to explore alternative paths we may not think to take. The low-code option for updating data is appealing, and there is a lot of automation with minimal engineering effort.
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Kissmetrics is a next-level step up for people who are used to getting their tracking and reporting from Google Analytics or Shopify's CMS. While HubSpot arguably has a better user interface, Kissmetrics certainly has the power and usability necessary to track important conversion data and help you make better marketing decisions.
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The most challenging part of using Heap in a growing organization is the naming and structure in which reports and dashboards are organized. I work within the marketing department and our Heap leader internally works within the IT/Product department, which makes it challenging because we often don't speak the same language, so the learning curve has been steep without any specific use-case examples to leverage online.
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Return on Investment
  • It has helped us make decisions on what products to scope for our MVP based on the usage data.
  • It's allowed us to measure success with our beta product.
  • It's helped us view our conversion rates in an easy and usable manner.
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  • Unfortunately for this client (small business) the cost of Kissmetrics was just too prohibitive. But it's obvious that for a larger company that can afford it, the data would be invaluable to gain more insight in how to gain more active users and orders for a funnel.
  • The data provided really increases an understanding of how best to provide the right experience for the users...happy users equals increase in ROI.
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Heap Screenshots

Screenshot of Dashboard in Heap (Use to get Product or User Behavior Insights)Screenshot of Effort Analysis provides the first-ever quantitative measurement of user friction, capturing the difficulty users face when moving through every step of every user flow across the digital experience.Screenshot of Heap Illuminate looks for the most common events between two steps in a funnel and generates a Top Events table that displays how well paths including different events convert to the next step so you can understand how that behavior is helping or hurting conversion.Screenshot of From Top Events you can choose an event and use Path Comparison to fork your funnel and see how the selected behavior impacts conversion downstream.

Kissmetrics Screenshots

Screenshot of Kissmetrics Activity Report is a part of our report suite called AnalyzeScreenshot of Kissmetrics Populations allow your to track your most important segment over timeScreenshot of Kissmetrics Campaigns allow you to engage your user with automated behavior-based emails when it is most effective