Procore: Best-In-Class Project Management Solution and Construction Solution Platform
Updated April 13, 2022

Procore: Best-In-Class Project Management Solution and Construction Solution Platform

Jason Glover | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Project Management
  • Quality & Safety
  • Construction Financials
  • BIM

Overall Satisfaction with Procore

Procore is utilized for its ability to act as our smart hub or platform. We utilize the modules purchased as well as tie-in various apps and software that have a more specific need. Procore helps us keep track of our crews and projects in one place, regardless of how and where that data is captured. Utilizing Procore Analytics, we are able to bring in our data into Power BI and imbed the information in our Corporate Dashboards, which allow us a single frame of reference for all matters in our company at any given point in time, including live.


  • Budget management
  • Submittal tracking
  • RFIs
  • Drawing management and markup
  • Inspections
  • Deficiency Tracking
  • Incident Reporting and Tracking


  • Workflows in other tools other than submittals
  • More user-faced customization capabilities
  • More usable data without the need for Procore Analytics
  • Allowed us to plan our resources better.
  • Enabled us to take on more work with the same office resources (as workloads have been eased through better tracking and automation).
  • Provided better reporting internally and externally.
We have integrated a custom forms solution that allows us to effectively capture data on mobile devices and then report beautifully via Procore's reporting tool. We have also integrated a solution that builds our operation and maintenance manuals out of Procore, alleviating many hours for our teams. We have also integrated HoloBuilder for on-site photo tracking and documentation both in real time and historically. We've utilized SiteSense by Intelliwave for equipment tracking and Buildr for Closeout proceedures and requirements.
Procore's mobile tool allows for "on-the-go" data input into the Daily Log, which has vastly helped our site teams. Rather than waiting until the end of the day to try and recall the day's events, they can enter key information throughout their day as things are happening live. Additionally, we've been able to streamline and standardize our requirements for our field staff as anticipated entries.
Providing a "Best-in-Class" Solution to our staff shows our commitment to them and their work life. It proves we are willing to invest in a service that will help them do their job more effectively and alleviate some of the questions that would come up during various reviews. This provides them more time to focus on their projects and ensure they're delivering a great product to our customers.
Procore was the first platform we witnessed that appeared to be designed by, or at least in tandem, with construction professionals. The tool itself fits in with how construction operations staff currently do their work and require minimal training in order to roll-out. We also found that because the language and seamless connectivity between tools within Procore was easy to understand, the adoption and uptick in usage was monumental in our organization

Do you think Procore delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Procore's feature set?


Did Procore live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Procore go as expected?


Would you buy Procore again?


Procore is great for companies with many employees and projects. If you find yourself constantly struggling to keep track of everyday project statuses, financials, and documentation, then this is the right solution. Procore is not necessarily the right solution for small companies that either don't self-perform or work on only 1-2 jobs at a time.

Procore Feature Ratings

Plan distribution & viewing
Plan markups & sharing
Document sharing
Issue tracking & punchlists
Photo documentation
Jobsite reports
RFI tools
Collaboration & approvals
Mobile app
Submittal design and management
Meeting Minutes
Change orders
Job costing
Bid creation
Compliance data (COBRA, OSHA, etc.)
Support for external payroll vendors
Standard reports
Custom reports
Data exportability

Using Procore

1 - As an implentation consultant, I'm the only one who utilizes in my organization, however I've trained and supported countless users at various companies of all sizes. I've rolled this out and helped gain utilization at Developers/Owners, General Contractors and Specialty Subcontractors. As a result I can confidently say that I have yet to come across an organization that has not benefited from Procore.
1 - As a Procore Consultant, I am this person, however I hold this role in various organization of all shapes and sizes. Additionally I perform this for Developers/Owners, General Contractors and Specialty Subcontractors. Additionally, I help train the internal Procore In-House support teams or individuals in these organizations. For larger organizations I tend to recommend committees of around 4-6 individuals and in smaller I recommend 2, so there is always a back-up if someone is away or leaves the company.
  • Financial Management
  • Project Management tracking of drawings, questions and deliverables
  • Quality and Safety tracking and auditing
  • Colour chart tracking for Condo Developers in Correspondence
  • Design-Build style project, design development tracking and workflow in Correspondence
  • Automating our Monthly Project Reports with minimal month end input aside from an executive summary.
  • Correspondence is a key tool that will help us develope any solution we require.
  • Action Plans are a newer tool showing great promise for tracking all things from ITPs to any Audit requirements necessary.
Of all my clients, zero have even considered cancelling their usage. Through meticulous and planned execution we have been able to ingrain Procore in our clients day-to-day operations. The User Adoption has been fantastic, providing better reporting and insights to the executive leadership teams as a result. If anything, I'm seeing clients increasing their volume in Procore as they roll it out. This is also due to picking up more work as a result of efficiencies gained through utilizing Procore.

Evaluating Procore and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
Product Usability was most important. Many of my clients had previous systems or had tried previous systems, all fell flat from the Usability standpoint. It was a common concern across all clients that User Adoption would fail if the tool wasn't User Friendly. Procore definitely is the most user friendly and industry focused tool I've come across. It's built around how users would already carry out their tasks, so there are not any nuisances getting in their way. This along with the great mobile app have greatly increased the User Adoptions.
I do and have done this many times as a Consultant. In my experience it's always best to think of cost last when evaluating software. Cost is the only negotiable aspect of any product, so focusing firstly on what the product has and can do is of utmost importance. Once you have selected what best suits your needs, then look at cost secondly and negotiate from there.

Procore Implementation

As an implementation partner, I feel it is imperitive for companies to engage 3rd party implementation. The old adage of "you don't know what you don't know" holds very true here. Implementation partners do this for a living and can easily assess where additional efforts may need to be applied. We also assist in the heavy lifting and provide direction, ensuring not only a smooth implementation, but also an accelerated one. You have already purchased the software, so you want to get it going quickly to start seeing ROI.
  • Third-party professional services
I run a third party professional service. I partner with my clients to ensure they are meeting their goals and maximizing their ROI out of Procore. The system can be used creatively for much more than what most companies who buy it believe.
Yes - Depending on the clients needs, it can be broken into phases. Phases tend to work best for roll-out so that the onboarding is more digestible for the users. A launch everything at once method tends to overwhelm users and decrease adoption .
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - Change Management in this case was more so related to my clients bettering their existing processes as a result of Procore. It was less strenuous to change to use Procore than it was for them to realize they needed to have better practices in place even if they didn't have Procore.
  • Understanding Procore's "Language"
  • Process Mapping existing proceedures to see where Procore fit into the roadmap
  • Ensuring Owner and Trade buy-in for GC's

Procore Training

  • Online training
  • in-person training
Procore's Implementation Team does a great job of ensuring users are confident in using the system. They run through a process of training sessions based on the tools you have purchased, and lay ou ta plan to help the power users configure the tool to suit the company's needs. They provide useful resources for certifications, support and ongoing training as well.
Procore does a great job with their training and onboarding. However, where it lacks is in assisting with company/client standardization and training associated with this. Without a dedicated internal Procore Admin at your company, you may wish to reach out to a Procore Certified Consultant for assistance in setting up your account for your company.

Configuring Procore

Procore continues to get better each year (Sometimes each month!) in terms of configurability. The typical items are fairly static and don't require customization/configuration, however the option is there should you require. There's also some fairly robust configurations for tools where you would expect it like Action Plans (ITPs) and Correspondence (Great tool for many varying needs and applications!). When you first sign-up with Procore, you're also given a bank of hours with their Custom Solutions team, where they can configure/customize various PDF exports or even help configure special workflows or tools if you need them.
Always start with the Procore Standard Template then review with your Business Unit Leaders and Subject Matter Experts to see where change/configurations may be required. This will help determine if configurations are required, and where. As well as how many templates you should setup for the various project types in your organization.
Some - we have done small customizations to the interface - We added specific fieldsets for the Quality and Safety Tools, as well as RFIs. We also created custom tools using Correspondence and setup our ITPs (Inspection and Test Plans) in the recently added Action Plans tool. We have also reached out to the Custom Solutions team for assistance with custom workflows for internal approvals on Change Orders prior to becoming client facing.
No - we have not done any custom code
Procore has many user-facing configurations available now. With configurable field sets for various tool and custom tools and processes that can be built out using their Correspondence and Action Plans tool. Additionally, with their open API, there are vast opportunities to connect other products such as ERPs and other point solutions. Many are available for connectivity right from the Procore App Marketplace, while others can be configured to connect by developers and IT Teams.

Procore Support

Procore Support overall is great! There is one key flaw in their current UserVoice system, where users post ideas to be voted on for consideration and developement. The issue here is that votes are counted as 1 per company. When an issue is a major pain to a larger organization, there could be upwards of 200+ users struggling in a certain area, however all votes from this organization would only count as 1.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No, as a consultant I tend to be the one to assist clients in this manner. There are odd cases where I do advise clients this would be required however, in the instances where they want to build their own integrations for various aspects of their business.
In the first year of any Procore Agreement, there are hours provided to use with their Custom Solutions team. This can be used for various reasons, however a key one for one of my clients was creating Workflows in the Financial Tools for change management, so larger changes could be reviewed by more users prior to going to the client for approval.

Using Procore

90% of Procore is very intuitive and any user can pick it up and go. There are a few elements, more so on the Financials side that need some prior knowledge of systems in order to understand how and why it functions as it does. Once this is understood, it flows effortlessly.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • RFIs
  • Drawings Tool
  • Submittal workflows
  • Building Inspections and using the tool
  • Change Management (only because you jump from tool to tool in the process)
Yes - The mobile interface is one of the best parts about Procore. It integrates back to the web platform very well and ensures all information is in the palm of your hand. It also provides opportunities to capture data real-time as you're going about your day on site, ensuring you have full control over your project.

Integrating Procore

  • DocuSign
  • HoloBuilder
  • Outlook
  • Gmail
  • Power BI
So far all the integrations have been very smooth. Almost "Plug and Play". They work as intended once connected and provide some great value for our Project Teams!
  • JD Edwards
  • SAP
Both are supported, via third party integration parties (such as Boomi and Ediface) from what I can tell.
  • File import/export
  • Single Signon
  • AppExchange or similar marketplace
The Procore Marketplace has a full list of all integrations that have already been tied in by the Vendor. This is a great way to see what is available and ready to go. Some other elements such as specific ERPs may need third party integration solutions to assist in the integration with Procore.
Ensure you know exactly what your goal is before you start. From there, clearly communicate this with both Procore and the additional Vendor, they can confirm use case and functionality so there are no surprises or disappointments once integrated. You should also discuss Best Practices with Procore for the integration with each specific vendor.
Procore has an open API, which has allowed a vast number of vendors to integrate. The partners who have done so, have done a great job. There are instances where issues could arrise however with third party integration partners, who may not have much experience with Procore or the Vendor and therefor have to do additional work, trialing, etc in order to get the integration functioning as hoped/intended.


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