Buyer's Guide to Business Intelligence Software

This guide will help you:

  • Quickly find the right product based on 530+ in-depth reviews and user ratings
  • Compare the top 18 Business Intelligence (BI) software vendors across multiple factors
  • Understand key trends and 5 critical steps to completing a successful BI purchase

Why You Should Read This Guide — Vinay Bhagat, Founder & CEO, TrustRadius

Photo of Vinay Bhagat Founder and CEO TrustRadiusTrustRadius is excited to publish our first Buyer's Guide to Business Intelligence (BI) Software. This guide provides practical guidance to help you find the best BI software solution for your use case. It offers pragmatic advice on how to approach the buying process based on thousands of insights from real software users. Our research team analyzed 532 reviews of business intelligence software by authenticated users on, the vast majority of reviewers sourced independently of vendors. We also interviewed many of the major vendors and talked to independent experts. This guide focuses on general-purpose BI tools but also mentions domain-specific tools for functions like sales, finance and corporate performance measurement. We focus here on reporting, visualization and discovery tools; predictive analytics will be covered in a future guide.

About This Business Intelligence Guide — Alan Cooke, Research Director, TrustRadius

Photo of Alan Cooke, Research Director, TrustRadiusIn this guide you will find:

  • A primer on BI software for those new to the field
  • Descriptions of various types of BI tools along with their advantages/disadvantages and best-fit scenarios to help you understand the best choice for your use case
  • Analyses (2x2 charts) we call TrustMaps™, showing the leading solutions by BI product category based upon “Likelihood to Recommend” ratings and product evaluation frequency
  • Product ratings across multiple factors from real user reviews
  • Advice on how to buy BI software to maximize your probability of success
  • A discussion of key market dynamics and trends including Big Data

Available separately on TrustRadius are detailed BI product reports which include:

  • Pros and cons for individual products, distilled from reviews on TrustRadius
  • Pricing and feature information
  • Management interviews regarding market positioning, competition and product roadmap
  • Company responses to their reviews on TrustRadius