The Story of Articulate Storyline
Updated October 21, 2021

The Story of Articulate Storyline

Mark Nowowiejski | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Articulate Studio

Articulate Studio is used across various departments within the university by Instructional Designers, Multimedia Techs and in limited cases, by faculty members. It is used for creating staff and faculty facing training modules, as well as enhancing existing online course materials with a focus on making them more interactive and engaging for learners


  • Integrating very well with PPT
  • Allow authors to create ad-hoc video and audio clips on the spot
  • Easy to export SCORM formats for LMS integration
  • Supplies rich library of stock graphics, footage and 'characters' to allow for fast build out


  • UI is a bit dated, but it's parallel to PPT which puts some users at ease
  • Storyline is PC only, by far the biggest drawback
  • A big slow in rendering video content during export
  • Player is a bit rigid
  • A high retention rate of students
  • Fairly cheap for team licenses but not as friendly for individuals
  • Once you understand how it works you can build modules very quickly
We look at Captivate first, which Adobe oddly leaves out of its Creative Cloud suite, and I can see why it seems to be completely foreign in term of UI vs other Adobe products. The familiar PPT structure Captivate leverages is completely absent and the tools are much more rigid. Exporting was also more difficult - it's pretty night and day different. Captivate is AWFUL, especially for an Adobe product.
Very helpful for developing microlearning modules, non-linear PPTs, and basic staff training. Has been very useful in developing staff onboarding modules. Works well on mobile and tablet devices and it is easy to add extra accessibility features such as alt tags and captions. Great for in video/lecture knowledge checks. Not great for group or teamwork, users are very much siloed.

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