Why bother with Concrete5 if you already know Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal? Because...
Updated June 16, 2014
Why bother with Concrete5 if you already know Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal? Because...
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Modules Used
- Add Multiple Pages, Are You A Human - Captcha, Area Splitter, Designer Content, Dojo Page Filter Pro, eCommerce Express, Login, MailMonkey, Multi Theme, Paypal Cart Buttons, Pro Blog, Testimonials & Quotes, iFrame, YouTube Pro, + many more
Overall Satisfaction with Concrete5
I've worked with Concrete5 for a number of different websites. This has included both personal as well as websites for small business clients. Use cases vary, including personal sites, marketing, an eCommerce site selling product, and for small business. Of course there are a tremendous variety of ways it can be used, and the number of add-on's in the marketplace for all sorts of additional functionality further support this, without any custom code.
- It is very intuitive right out of the box so-to-speak, so getting a basic site up can be done relatively easily.
- End users and clients also find the Admin very intuitive and easy to use, in large part due to the in context editing. Therefore, training and hand-off to clients is relatively painless. Not only that, a high percent actually will do "Content Management" . And isn't that the promise of a CMS after all?. This last point, however, is where other CMS's often fail (including the "Big 3" -Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla)!
- The over-ride system allows an easy way to make modifications to core functionality as well as add-ons without actually hacking the core code.
- While using jquery in a custom theme isn't necessary a problem, there is potential for conflicts with the system's use of it. However, this is being addressed in the 5.7 release (coming soon), which is a major upgrade with significant improvements.
- The lack of market penetration when compared to the "Big 3" (Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla) means there is currently far fewer themes available. However, it's a situation that is continually improving.
- Being able to meet a clients needs with a solution that was quick and easy to deploy.
Years ago when I personally was early on in my web development learning path, I tried to learn and use Drupal. Its complexity and difficulty proved to be too much, at least for me personally at that point in time. Finding and using Concrete5 was a real nice experience after that.
Using Concrete5
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Well integrated Consistent Convenient Feel confident using | None |
- In context editing
- The sitemap. It's such a simple and intuitive way of seeing and/or working on the organization of your entire website page layout (the site "tree")
- I don't think "difficult or cumbersome" is the right way to describe it, but there are features and functionality built into Concrete5 that can be tapped into and leveraged to extend it, but that require developer skills.
Yes - This question is over simplified. Are we talking about the front end for end users? Or back end administration? Plus, there are different approaches to mobile (responsive VS mobile versions). Having said that, generally speaking Concrete5 can accommodate the different solutions.
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