Docker for application deployment
Overall Satisfaction with Docker
Whole organization within each team.
- Packaging of application to limit the space occupied
- Ease of running the application
- Provide multiple ways to handle the application issues and integration of different components like pipeline, ansible, terraform etc
- Handling the unused images
- /var/lib/docker/overlav2 directory contain hash code instead of docker can provide some real name so that user can housekeep the containers, volumes etc
- Logs of containers in the base machine after it exits
- Creation of initial infrastructure so that it can be used by terraform and ansible
- Integration of multiple application in same network so that containers can talk to each other very fastly.
- Use of docker with proxy so that it can run multiple container with same port on same host
- Reduces the number of virtual machine which impacted our quarterly billing
- Using docker with proxy we run multiple application on same port on same host.
- impact on billing is we have to provide docker training to the people who are working on it.
- Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Azure Container Instances
We need a solution where initially we can use an OS to trigger our pipeline to be used by terraform and then later in ansible. After doing all work it automatically get exited and we can reclaim the space of our VM. So we created a gitlab pipeline and at the initial stage we defined a docker file which will be our base image and we performed all our activities inside that image to build infrastructure using terraform. Integration we have done in our gitlab pipeline and finally we remove the docker image so that the space can be reclaimed immediately.
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