Our Hero System
October 30, 2018

Our Hero System

LISA JOHNSON | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Hero

We use Hero at our High School to progressively promote proper behaviors more so than negative ones. We feel that the students who are always doing the right things often get overlooked and are under appreciated. Hero allows us to reward those students who get it right most or all of the time so that they get put into the forefront.


  • Hero has helped to cut down on tardiness and the need to leave the room for bathroom breaks.
  • Students who have been recognized in front of the school for doing what is right feel a sense of pride and continue to do even more good.
  • Recognizing positive behaviors makes the students focus more on doing right. Giving out prizes is a good incentive.


  • Students need to have direct online access to picking their prizes based on the points they've earned. It will give more focus on doing what's right.
  • Teachers need to have the ability to create their own positive rewards in the system based on their subject area.
  • Is there a way to have the system remember your username so you don't have to type it out every time you sign in?
  • Hero positively improves tardiness and hallway activity.
  • Sometimes the class rosters are not updated in a timely fashion.
  • It would be nice to move back and forth between rewarding student points and the class roster with ease.
We used a tardy tracking system a couple years ago but it wasn't as efficient as Hero. It did not keep track of any positive behaviors. I don't remember the name of the system but I know it only focused on the negative behaviors and giving out consequences for those negative behaviors.
Hero does actively reward the positive behaviors in students. It also promotes more positive behaviors in students who have had some challenges before. In this technology heavy world, the students need more direct online access. This will allow them to see their progress, see the rewards they want and work at achieving them. Even if they behave just for the prize, eventually they will see how productive positive behavior can really be.


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