ABM Cloud

ABM Cloud

ABM Cloud - we develop and implement cloud-based software solutions to improve business performance. The portfolio includes solutions for automating the entire supply chain: inventory management (production, distribution, retail), transport management, store and pharmacy management, warehouse management, financial management, loyalty platform, sales agent management, shelf space management (merchandising), mobile analytics.

People often think that innovation is not available to business due to the high cost and lack of financial resources, but this is only a small part of the factors. They are unavailable due to the language barrier, the mental immaturity of companies, lack of qualifications, complexity of implementation, fear of not getting a result. Our mission is to remove all these barriers by:
  • SaaS models - the client pays for the product as it is used. In addition, SaaS solutions help significantly reduce costs, and invest the money saved in the development of your own business.
  • Promoting ideas and methodologies, as well as training at the ABM Academy.
  • Project management, Agile approach, involvement in customer problems and perceiving them as one's own.
