CrunchBoards is an award-winning Financial Intelligence Add On that accelerates Xero. It has experienced rapid growth since it's launch just 6 months ago with nearly 3,500 business CrunchBoarding in 46 countries worldwide. Our customers include small independent virtual CFO's to large, top tier firms, such as BDO New Zealand who have rolled out CrunchBoards nationally across 15 offices. In February, CrunchBoards also won Xero's Emerging Add on of the Year in the UK, a highly competitive category. 

CrunchBoards plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between advisors and business owners. Its flexible real-time reporting engine isn’t designed for history lessons. It's all about looking ahead. CrunchBoards gives you the answer to ‘what if?’ for informed, data-driven decision making that’s easy and accurate. If your client or you are looking to expand your business, diversify into new markets, or you’re seeking investment, and you need to create a real-life 3-way cashflow forecast (that takes into consideration your P&L, and doesn’t forget your balance sheet!), CrunchBoards does it all beautifully.
