Help Lightning

Help Lightning

We believe in the power of “help”.

Based on that belief, we dedicate our work lives to helping companies solve difficult problems. In fact, our purpose is to enable the virtual presence and power of an expert – when and where our customers need them – to support the critical business objectives of our customers.

To enable the ultimate show and tell experience, we created a cloud-based, AR-enabled software application which gives a company’s experts a way to virtually stand side-by-side with anyone needing help.

To reach the largest possible audience and improve their experience, we knew that our software needed to be easy to use and easy to deploy.

So, we simplified the offering, allowing a link in a text message to deliver both the invite and entry point for a Help Lightning video call. Without an app to download, the result is a satisfying “no friction” experience for experts and those receiving their help.

Today, we’re helping a company’s experts to be present in more places, more often - providing instant and tangible value to field service teams, end users, maintenance engineers or anyone else needing help.

Our work is having a significant positive impact on the success and profitability of our customers, lowering travel costs, reducing downtime, extending workforce capacity, improving first time fix rates and reducing time to resolution.

At Help Lightning, help is always on the way.
