

Plerdy is a set of tools for website UX, SEO and CRO improvement. Today in Plerdy are available:
- Website Heatmap tools. A click heatmap is a tool that shows how users behave when they visit a web page. This data reflects the most often clicked elements, scroll depth, popular parts of the page, and click sequence.
- Session Recordings. With such videos, you can see how visitors navigate and replay their important decisions to notice every move and action.
- SEO Checker. The position of a website in search results depends on dozens of SEO indicators. Plerdy monitor current indicators and compares them to the previous data.
- Conversion Funnel. Set up Conversion Funnels for your website to see visitors` paths to conversions, define website mistakes, and reasons they're dropping off.
- Pop-Up Forms and NPS. It’s an excellent tool to generate more leads, grow a contact base, and inform users about special offers or other events.
