WEEEK includes 5 services: Tasks, Knowledge Base, CRM, Users and Analytics.

This means that the work of a company consisting of different departments and areas is concentrated in one service without switching between different tools: you can manage tasks in one place, create your own internal or public knowledge base from documents, manage team workload and conduct transactions through funnels
Setting up privacy and limiting access to certain levels of information for different groups of people.


Dive into multiple views: boards, week/month calendars, lists, and the Gantt chart.
Streamline with Agile and Scrum methodologies.
Track and gauge your work hours effectively.
Sync seamlessly with Google, Yandex, and Apple calendars.
Filter, sort, group tasks and customize fields to your liking.
Stay in the loop with tailored notifications via email, Telegram, VK, or Slack.
Analyze tasks and export reports in Excel, CSV, or JSON.

Knowledge Base

Craft a robust doc library with a clear hierarchy.
Edit with flair using a versatile text editor, supporting images, videos, code, and more.
Share docs online with view-only access


Optimal for managing a niche clientele.
Get a vivid picture of transactions at each stage and deep-dive into analytics.
Link transactions effortlessly with tasks and documents
