Collaborative SaaS software for cost estimating and data mining. Easykost is offered as a solution to improve design-to-cost and time-to-market performance, create operating synergy between the various jobs and functions, streamline and professionalize the costing and quotation activities. Easykost is a product cost management
Score 8.3 out of 10
SiliconExpert Technologies headquartered in Cambridge offers a bill of materials management suite, providing part search, and product cost management.
Well Suited Scenarios : 1. This is a cost estimation product that just needs the exposure of data, in fact, enriched data and after that, not just estimation, a well exhaustive set of insights and analytics can be fetched. Which in turn gives a heads-up to business. So EasyKost is well suited whenever any product needs price estimation and we don't have subject matter expert or industrial knowledge. So, in this case, it comes as the one solution for all problems.' 2. Not only for product cost estimation, this product is well suitable for the service, inventory etc estimation. Scenarios Where EasyKost is less suitable are: 1. EasyKost is an AI-enabled tool that can only work if we have a sufficient dataset to feed or else we can't control the situation within the accepted deviation and hence that can lead to a fiasco. So in such situation its good to go for subject matter expert or a knowledge expert rather than relying on any such software product
Well Suited scenario is we do not have to rely on numerous experts having vast horizon of industrial expertise to estimate the products and services. We have this AL/ML solution in place which can look after us without much interaction or manual support. Not well-suited scenarios are: If any service or product can have a complex structure, a hyper metadata set needs to be generalized before estimation with the inputs from the open-source platform data so in this case estimation process need a lot of interventions, customization and still, we get a large deviation. That is not a good thing for any business to work on. We might end up with an entirely different cost than one which is estimated from this software.
I appreciate how the products are created and adjusted. For diverse enterprises, there is a simple interface and ease. Reports and exports for a set of BOMs are additional useful features.
1. Easykost provides a better and reasonable costing with a very nominal deviation. 2. Very Less customization is required in EasyKost. 3. The best part is the algorithm implied, it's the best in performance and provides a predictive environment to work on. 4. Easier to use and handle. 5. Customer support is quite good, always just an email or just a ping away. 6. Easier to deploy and integrate.
SiliconExpert has wide variety o supports and suggestions which are required in each and every step of the product development lifecycle. So it's a complete solution to bring support for the entire product lifecycle and a relief to us. Managing, tracking, generalizing reports, generating, and sending timely alerts are some of the beautiful features which stack up to make SiliconExpert a best choice.