Spacewell Energy (Dexma) Reviews
Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

Spacewell Energy (Dexma)Pricing

We don't have enough ratings and reviews to provide an overall score.

Spacewell Energy (Dexma) Pricing Overview


What is Spacewell Energy (Dexma)?

Founded in 2007, Spacewell Energy (Dexma) is a Barcelona-based software company that provides cloud-based Energy Management Solutions for both tertiary and industrial buildings that enable facility managers, energy auditors and building owners across the world to detect, analyse and optimise…


  • HasFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • HasPremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • No setup fee

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Spacewell Energy (Dexma) Alternatives Pricing

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What is WorkInSync?

WorkInSync is presented as a single app to manage all hybrid workplace needs. Globally, organizations have started adopting a hybrid workplace, with employees opting WFO/WFH as per their convenience.This has actually introduced new challenges in their life. WorkInSync enables companies to establish…


What is WorkInSync?

WorkInSync is presented as a single app to manage all hybrid workplace needs. Globally, organizations have started adopting a hybrid workplace, with employees opting WFO/WFH as per their convenience.This has actually introduced new challenges in their life. WorkInSync enables companies to establish…