Session replays that deliver results
- Review certain parts of a journey - to identify any bugs
- Segment customer data (by using GA segments) to support with analysis
- Provide insight opportunities to find more ideas
- I think sometimes it is really hard to navigate, I sometimes get lost finding funnels, etc. So navigation is certainly something that could be improved
- The timeframe in which segments are able to sync between analytics and Decibel Insights could be improved
- The initial dashboard isn't something I use, so not the most relevant feature to myself
- Session replays
- Funnel analysis
- One of our most recent tests which were inspired by Decibel Insights calculated an additional 1M in revenue across a year. Something that we probably wouldn't have looked to test if it wasn't for reviewing session replays.
- There are also other tests in the pipeline that we are expecting should have positive impacts, that again has been identified from watching session replays and triggered error messages throughout the journeys.