Austin based Enthought offers their flagship scientific Python distribution, Canopy. The Canopy Geoscience (or Canopy Geo) variant of the product is a data analysis, exploration and visualization package optimized for geologists & geophysicists, and researchers in petroleum science.
Python IDLE
Score 8.7 out of 10
Python's IDLE is the integrated development environment (IDE) and learning platform for Python, presented as a basic and simple IDE appropriate for learners in educational settings.
Enthought Canopy is best suites for scripting data analytical concepts. It has a wide range of data analytical libraries and also is good for data visualization. I would not recommend using Enthought Canopy only as an IDE, there may be better options available. If you're looking for a good data simulation & visualization package, Canopy it is.
Scenarios where python IDLE is well suited 1-Quick scripting and prototyping 2-Education and training 3-small projects utilities 4-exploring python libraries and modules Scenarios where python is less appropriate 1 large scale projects 2 complex debugging and profiling 3 multi language development 4 Advanced code analysis and inspection
Providing scientific libraries, both open source and Enthought's own libraries which are excellent.
Training. They provide several courses in python for general use and for data analysis.
Debugging tools. Several IDEs provides tools for debugging, but I think they are insufficient or too general. Canopy has a special debugging tool, specially design for python.
The IDE Python IDLE is a good place to start as it helps you become familiar with the way Python works and understand its syntax.
This IDE allows you to configure the environment, font, size, colors, .....
It also looks like any simple text editor for any operating system, I work with Windows or Linux interchangeably, and you don't have to learn to use the IDE before programming.
Once the IDE is executed you can start programming directly in it.
Python IDLE support is what the community can give you. As it is free software, it does not have support provided by the manufacturer or by third-parties.
In any case, for most of the problems that normal users can find, the solution, or alternatives, can be found quickly online.
As this IDE is made in Python, the support is the same group of Python developers.
Before Canopy with its python we were working with Matlab. We decided for Canopy against Matlab for two reasons: First, we believe that python together with NumPy or SciPy can achieve the objectives with less code and therefore less training, and second the prizes are much lower than matlab which is most robust, expensive and less intuitive. It's clear we are making the comparison with python and it has nothing to with canopy. But with Canopy you feel you have all those tools close together without the problem of configuration, besides a lot of personalized libraries that complements a typical python environment.
It's easy to set up and run quick analysis in Python IDLE on my local machine. The output is direct and easy to read. But sometimes I prefer Jupyter Notebook when the datasets are large, since it would take too long to run on my local machine. It is easier to run Jupyter Notebook on my cloud desktop