MasterDataOnline (MDO) Reviews
MasterDataOnline (MDO)

MasterDataOnline (MDO)Pricing

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MasterDataOnline (MDO) Pricing Overview


What is MasterDataOnline (MDO)?

Prospecta Master Data Online (MDO) is a web-based tool that manages the governance and standardization of all types of master data across the user’s business. It allows business users to create information with standardized business rules, workflows and approval processes. MDO is…


  • HasFree Trial
  • Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
  • HasPremium Consulting/Integration Services

Entry-level set up fee?

  • Setup fee optional

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Pricing is based on the number of Modules subscribed on yearly basis. Currently available modules for Subscription are Material, Customer, Vendor, Functional Location, Equipment, Bill of material, Service master. All other master data can be configured as per the need using the platform capabilities.

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MasterDataOnline (MDO) Alternatives Pricing

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