Brand Embassy is a great tool for getting customer satisfaction on Social media and Live chat
Overall Satisfaction with Brand Embassy
Telenor Serbia uses Brand Embassy for social media customer care. Agents from [our customer care] department are absolutely delighted with the app, because they are able to handle multiple social media channels and live chat, from one platform.
- All information about customers in one place.
- Very transparent and easy to use. It helps us to track our results in a very efficient way, as well as to handle our day to day activities in the best way.
- Amazing client services team.
- In terms of reports that we get from Brand Embassy, it would be great to have information about the number of cases, or conversations that we have with our customers. At the moment, we have just info about number of interactions and the total workload.
- There are options to tag every conversation, in order to track why our customers contact us. Their tag menu is a bit too small, it would be great if it was larger.
- Positive impact on customer experience - Brand Embassy is a great partner in delighting customers in innovative ways.
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