Contracts Management on Emptoris Product
July 21, 2014

Contracts Management on Emptoris Product

Mahesh Aluvala | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Version 8

Modules Used

  • Contracts Management

Overall Satisfaction with Emptoris

We used Emptoris contracts product software for one of the world leading healthcare organizations as a solution for their business problems. Maintaining a contract over a period of time has always been a nightmare to companies, Emptoris has addressed many problems on contract management and provides easy operations throughout the contract life cycle and with post life cycle activities. Specifically, Emptoris has addressed the problem of maintaining the contract language in many languages, contract language versions, monitoring and approvals process. It has provided an easy way to create contracts, which helped many end users who are not techies.


  • Maintaining contracts as Templates, This feature has helped business to simplify the contract language maintenance and also helped simplify the maintenance of clause related elements that will be used across the product.
  • Easy way to create the contracts, Emptoris has provided the easy ways to create the contracts. We dont need any expertise for creating a contract , with interview module any one can do so by answering a simple set of questions.
  • Monitoring, This is the best feature I can really count on. The monitoring of the contract is made very easy with the simple configurations and can be monitored in different ways like workflows, email etc.
  • MS word as a plugin for editing the language, this is another best feature. Editng of contract language can be done by opening the contract language in a word document . It is a simple process - open, edit, save and close. This saves to Emptoris templates.


  • Reporting, Emptoris comes with standard reports which can not always can be fit into our business. This needs to be improved. I hope Emptoris is addressing this issue in their latest releases.
  • Though the feature of editing language in MS word is excellent, loading MS word takes time.
  • Improved Contract process cycle times, Features like parallel approvals can really help with reducing the process cycle times on the contracts. This led to increased employee efficiency.
  • Interview module - contracts creation made it very easy to further business processing.
  • Monitoring is a great help and this feature helps customers to worry less about milestone dates for active contracts.
  • Reports need improvement and should have some feature to create user defined reports.
There are quite few products for contracts management, there are pro and cons of every product software.However, Emptoris has won the race due to the features and the easy maintenance of contracts compared to Ariba,Oracle contract management product software.

Features that can be counted are:
  • Parallel approval process.
  • Template mechanism.
  • Easy to create contracts
  • Monitoring of the contracts.
  • Privilege driven software.
  • Maintenance of the legacy contracts.
  • and more..
Any company who needs more monitoring and has frequent contract language changes due to negotiations with parties can utilize the Emptoris Contracts software to a greater extent. Key Business Questions that are answered on Emptoris:

  • More clause language.
  • Multiple language support
  • Maintenance of the contracts during the life cycle.
  • Bringing Legacy contracts into new system and its maintenance.
  • Monitoring the contract and important remainders based on contract.
  • Complex contract approval process due to the business complexity.
  • User roles and responsibilities - Privileges.
  • Version comparison difficulties.
Many more..

There are good amount of features on Emptoris that can be used, which improves the business process cycle times.

Using Emptoris

Emptoris features and the evolving nature of software updates to serve the business needs as per market conditions and the ease of using the tool.


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