Blackbaud Grantmaking Review
January 31, 2018
Blackbaud Grantmaking Review
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Blackbaud Grantmaking (formerly GIFTS Online)
The foundation uses Blackbaud Grantmaking for all grant applications and discretionary/matching requests.
- Organizes past grant requests and awards
- Easy to make updates to applications
- Love the dashboard feature so I can see all of the information that helps me to do my job!
- The option to make detailed edits to applications.
- Organizations on the dashboard need to stay in alpha order. I get tired of clicking on that button!
- Maybe bigger servers? GO gets VERY slow in the afternoons. It's my understanding that it's not my network but it is the 'cloud.'
- Less time spent searching for application info during board meetings. We have Blackbaud Grantmaking up and running.
- Great customer service - when you do get someone on the phone. Customer Service seems overloaded at times.
- Easy for nonprofits to use and apply for funds.
There are a few other foundations in town that use Blackbaud Grantmaking. We work together on best practices.
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