IBM Cloud Storage is working amazing for us!

Overall Satisfaction with IBM Cloud Object Storage

We just began to use IBM Cloud Object Storage. We are testing hosting internal files on IBM to serve files in regions for quicker resolve/page speed. We plan to test different regions and to observe if having an authority like IBM serve files to website visitors seems to have a positive impact on search engine results.


  • UI
  • UX
  • Initial Setup


  • Explanation videos for each section offered
  • It is too early to tell, but with our page speeds loading vastly quicker, we do anticipate a reflective ROI sooner than later.
We haven't use the SQL query yet. However, we do want to test using this with our Wordpress based websites. Since there is a database involved with Wordpress, hosting this with IBM and having quick query capabilities will be something our devs are looking forward to, especially in a Cloud setup where latency is on your side.
Data effectiveness to and from Cloud Object Storage has been phenomenal. What has now become classic drag and drop uploading is very seamless. There is little to no wait once a file is uploaded. We recommend manual uploads as well, but we haven't utilized that yet, as drag and drop is more effective and time saving.
At this point, I think the tiered classes are a great idea, again for latency. Dynamic data for us can cause huge server strain on where we came from. Having the ability to go Cloud when pulling dynamic data has been effective and again cut our load times nearly in half.
Well suited: This storage can be used by every organization who is looking to work with a stable environment. The uptime is nearly 100%. IBM Cloud Storage with our usage and testing so far has cut our overall page speed in half. Our GTMetrix scores have improved.

IBM Cloud Object Storage Feature Ratings

Service-level Agreement (SLA) uptime
Dynamic scaling
Elastic load balancing
Monitoring tools
Security controls


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