Worth Trying IBM ICOS
July 30, 2020

Worth Trying IBM ICOS

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with IBM Cloud Object Storage

IBM Object storage was used in the implementation of IBM CMOD. Our business archived all kinds of statements and reports for a longer term. IBM Object Storage was used for the purpose of archiving data. Initially, we had the local storage, but eventually, considering the maintenance of the platform, the documents are moved to the cloud.


  • Easy to setup
  • Easy integration with IBM products
  • Scalable for needs
  • No issues with speed and connectivity


  • UI interface needs improvement.
  • Documentation and easy use of API.
  • Navigation on dashboard.
  • It's cheap.
  • Eliminated in the internal infrastructure maintenance.
  • Highly scalable to needs.
I have not used the built-in SQL query.
The data transfer was amazing, we were able to get the data instantly when pulled from IBM Enterprise Tools without much lag.
Yes, the longer terms that are required for archives had been stored on cold, this had been used effectively in the implementation of IBM tools.
  • IBM Watson Studio (formerly IBM Data Science Experience)
  • IBM Watson Assistant
  • IBM Watson Discovery
  • IBM Watson Knowledge Studio
Most of the solutions required by the customer can be archived with the help of IBM products itself. There is an ease of integration when using the IBM products stack.
When using IBM products, IBM COS is an integrated way of storing the data on the cloud. There is a free plan to try out before using it or for testing proof of concepts. It can definitely serve as a backup point for enterprise infrastructures. It can be used to store any type of data.

IBM Cloud Object Storage Feature Ratings

Service-level Agreement (SLA) uptime
Dynamic scaling
Elastic load balancing
Monitoring tools
Security controls


  • Joe Cornejo | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hello, thanks for the feedback! This is Joseph C from the IBM Client Experience team. You feedback is crucial to improving the user experience and Journey!
  • Joe Cornejo | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hello, thanks for the feedback! This is Joseph C from the IBM Client Experience team. You feedback is crucial to improving the user experience and Journey!

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