Mattersight Review
Overall Satisfaction with Mattersight Behavioral Analytics
It is currently being used by most of the organanization that involves contact with our customers in a call based capacity. It allow us to focus on the behaviors that we are striving for as a company.
- It has been fanstastic at quickly allowing us to focus on what exactly what we are looking for in each behavior with its in depth search funtions. This has saved countless hours of randomly trying to find the exact calls that we are looking through to enhance our coaching.
- With the "call painting" it also has saved the need to listen to entire calls to find what portion we are looking to coach to.
- The one area of opportunity that we have with Mattersight is that we are not able to hear the third party portion of calls. If our representatives contact an internal third party we cannot hear that portion of the call.
- It has allowed us to better pinpoint areas such as AHT, and sale referrals better for coaching
- calbrio
This is the closest product that I have found that matches with Mattersight. The painting portion of Mattersight is its strongest feature. However Calbrio allows for the listening of third party portions of calls.
Using Mattersight Behavioral Analytics
100 - Hey use th is for everything from call reviews for quality as well as to review the interaction that our representatives have with our customer
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