Planview delivers right on the money, but you got to be willing to pay!
March 09, 2015

Planview delivers right on the money, but you got to be willing to pay!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Enterprise 9

Modules Used

  • Portfolio and Resource Management (formerly Planview Enterprise)

Overall Satisfaction with Planview Enterprise

My initial involvement with Planview was with Health Net, Inc. and it was used as the primary project portfolio system corporate wide. I then moved to St. Jude Medical, Inc. and there it was used in the Technical Publications department only. The main problem this tool addressed for the companies I worked for were the management of projects and resources and for executive management, it was to have a strategic view of the portfolio of projects.


  • It does a good job of managing a portfolio of projects.
  • Planview was quite good with managing resources.
  • It did a good job of tracking the day to day of a project and having it located in a central system.
  • The dashboards were configurable and good at conveying project and portfolio information.


  • At the time of my use with PVE9, I felt the workflows were a bit clunky at times.
  • Gantt chart required page refreshes, but I think the new version addresses this.
  • Document sharing could have been more robust.
  • Higher project transparency.
  • Project prioritization for better executive decision making.
  • Budget and resource management and tracking.
I didn't select Planview, but having worked with it and other comparable systems, it was a complete and well developed PPM system. In regard to support and staff at Planview, they were fantastic! But I would like to stress that buying this system will not automatically solve your project and portfolio business initiatives nor miraculously facilitate seamless governance of IT systems, applications and projects. Organizations I've worked with and consult for are still under the impression that buying a tool will solve all their problems, with little thought as to the culture, environment and maturity level inherent in making such a robust system like Planview work that is severely underestimated. Also make sure that you have people either trained or are already experts in project and portfolio management, business processes and the Planview system and hopefully all at once, or at minimum with functional experts in each area who know how to work together so that they can train, coach and support others. It would also be a great idea to have executive support and not just in one division like IT or finance.

Also, my review is based on Planview Enterprise v9 back in 2007-2013 and much has changed and I'm sure it has improved since that time. Best of luck.
Planview is not suited for small to mid sized companies and/or companies with low project management maturity. The tool itself is good as long as the business processes are aligned with it.

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