Good Supplemental Tool for Classes.
Overall Satisfaction with Poll Everywhere
We primarily use Poll Everywhere as a tool in some of our real estate classes. We offer a number of courses via webinar, and are looking into expanding that and making our webinars more interactive, and Poll Everywhere has been one method that we've used in order to encourage participation and interaction among not just the attendees via webinar, but also with the instructor as well as students in the classroom being presented via webinar.
- It's deceptively simple to use. Showing how to use the features, create & modify questions, and viewing polling data, is much easier than it first seems.
- There are a surprising amount of alternate ways to poll users and present questions in more ways than just "Question and 2-4 possible answers." It's pretty easy to customize.
- It's very, very, very easy to use as an attendee. There's not anything complex or invasive in order to sign in and vote in polls.
- I wish it were easier to group and store reports of polls. That's one area, in terms of verifying a user has participated, that's a bit of a pain.
- In addition to my first point, I wish that when attendees vote via text, that they are required to put in a name much like the browser version. Part of how we use Poll Everywhere is to verify attendance and participation and this could be I think a little easier to do.
- It's helped for us to give a good, interactive experience for students, that has potential for better utilization.
- There definitely needs to be a better balance for how it is used, because if this software is used too much in a presentation, it gets distracting from the actual material in the classroom. Too little and folks (on certain topics) find themselves bored and waiting to actually "do something."
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