Every Product Manager's must-have!
April 16, 2014

Every Product Manager's must-have!

Dejana Bajic | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Feedback
  • Helpdesk

Overall Satisfaction

I've been working as a Product Manager on various SaaS platforms, and over the past 3 years UserVoice has played an essential role in guiding my product decisions. The array of tools they offer really makes it easy to collect user feedback in a less intrusive way. Most importantly, end-users love the feedback UI, too, and seem to keep continue engaging without me having to solicit feedback over and over again. I've tried other solutions out there - Zendesk, GetSatisfaction, IdeaScale... Nothing worked as well as UserVoice.


  • Feedback gathering


  • Bulk idea management
  • Helped us develop a product that addresses user's needs
  • Helped us develop a product users enjoy interacting with
Zendesk, Getsatisfaction, Ideascale.
It's essential to my everyday work
We use their Feedback platform to guide product roadmap planning.


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