iconik Media AB

iconik Media AB

Iconik is a smart media management solution built for the hybrid cloud. Content can be stored on your existing cloud storage or on-premise, and iconik will manage it all in one place. Iconik makes sharing and collaborating on media effortless from anywhere in the world.

Intelligent searches allow you to find media with tags added manually or by a visual AI. With AI transcription, you can even search for spoken phrases.

With a subscription-based pricing model, iconik offers an unlimited number of users. You only pay for the iconik resources you use, never more. That also means that iconik never charges for users who have been inactive during the month.

With a “bring your own storage” model, users can utilize almost any online cloud storage as well as their local file storage, which is managed by an iconik storage gateway (ISG). With a fully configurable API, iconik can look and act however teams need it to. Webhooks allow users to set up automated actions in iconik, making workflows even more seamless.

The Adobe panel allows creatives to have fast access to all their organization’s content in iconik directly from within

  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Audition
This allows editors to easily add assets to projects from iconik and then export their projects and content right back into iconik for instant global access.

Reviewing and approving content is simple. Creators can collaborate with stakeholders wherever they are with time-based comments and draw-on annotations.

Detailed rights management gives granular control over user access to every part of iconik including assets, collections, and metadata.

Iconik is simple, powerful, affordable, and beautifully designed. This is media management made for everyone.
