

WordWatch manages keyword bidding and Product Listing Ads automatically. Small & Medium sized advertisers (SMBs) & Agencies increase sales while saving time & money on AdWords & Google Shopping WordWatch Inc. was founded by three internet entrepreneurs who were frustrated by the time spent on bid management, and decided to develop their own tool. When the first version of WordWatch doubled the performance of their manual campaign management, they decided to turn it into a business in 2009. Today WordWatch Inc. is based in Silicon Valley, California; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Krakow, Poland; improving results for advertisers and agencies in Europe and the US. WordWatch is a web app for Adwords advertisers that want to run their campaigns in-house. It applies its powerful algorithms every night to continuously optimize your campaigns; getting you more clicks and conversions while you focus on your business. WordWatch will also help you with data feed optimization, product listing ads and google shopping.
