AutoCAD LT computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects, engineers, construction professionals, and designers rely on to produce solely 2D drawings, drafts, and documentation.
AutoCAD LT is a CAD software used for 2D drawing, drafting, and documentation whereas AutoCAD is a CAD software used to create 2D drawings and 3D models.
While AutoDesk's AutoCAD includes industry-specific toolsets that can provide productivity gains, both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT include the AutoCAD web and…
per month
Score 9.1 out of 10
National Instruments headquartered in Austin offers LabVIEW, a systems engineering software platform and toolkit.
AutoCAD LT is suitable for engineers that uses DWG formats casually and don't rely on AutoCAD as the main tool to issue drawings in the workflow. AutoCAD LT is best suited for firms that do not use LISP functions in AutoCAD and do not care about 3D modeling. Although AutoCAD LT has other missing functions when compared to standard AutoCAD, these features are of less importance and can't be noticed.
LabView is a great tool to connect your sensors to your data aquisition hardware. It makes it really easy to set-up a data acquisition routine that meets your individual requirements. I, as an engine researcher, find it very well suited for engine experimentation. For any other programming needs, i.e. not data acquisition, I would not recommend using LabView because of its graphical programming architecture. The architecture makes it a great tool for Data Aquisition but puts at a disadvantage when it comes to other computational tasks, e.g. making a thermodynamic engine model. For those applications having text-based programming is better suited
The differences between the Mac and PC versions are quite difficult to navigate. It would be better to have a more streamlined experience between the two platforms
It would be nice to have feature like geolocation on the online or mac version and not just the PC version
Make it more compatible with other AutoCAD formats so that I can at least view things when they are coming from Civil 3D
It’s easy to use, easy to customize, easy to understand on the logic behind it and the guides provides everything to improve further. the buttons are well displaced and easy to use and remember. everything seems really well fought to make it easier to use. in a single word: polished.
Although AutoCAD LT is the lite software when compared to standard AutoCAD, it does all the work when it comes to 2D modeling and issuing design drawings. When comparing it to BricsCAD, AutoCAD LT shines, as it works without freezing and is usually more responsive than BricsCAD, it just outclasses it.
We chose LabVIEW over MATLAB due to the integration with hardware and the graphical programming interface. Also, the ability to use LabVIEW with FPGAs and real-time processors without having to make large changes to the code base or swapping to a separate programming environment was a big benefit since we don't know what hardware will be suitable for each customer application.
The impact is always positive in my case when I use AutoCAD LT, because I provide intelligent lessons with few resources
The negative impact usually happens with professionals who don't like to innovate, study, or put a little more effort into their work. AutoCAD LT enables the enchantment at the end of the project by the public and at the beginning by the students that are delighted with so many tools
We use NI's data acquisition hardware as well which has made it possible to get whatever experimental data we need to get for our studies.
LabView has made it possible for us to post-process and tailor the raw data to our specific needs.
With a responsive customer support team, NI allows us to expand our data acquisition and post-processing capabilities to carry out the kind of research projects that we would want.