C5i Discovery vs. SAP Predictive Analytics

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
C5i Discovery
Score 8.0 out of 10
Enterprise companies (1,001+ employees)
C5i Discovery brings generative AI technologies and analytics models into a platform that delivers insights to support faster and more accurate and data-backed decisions for businesses that drive direct impact on business KPIs. Augmented analytics capabilities of Discovery help businesses at various stages of decision-making with descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics (anomaly detection and causal), predictive analytics (early warning signals and forecasting),…N/A
SAP Predictive Analytics
Score 9.0 out of 10
SAP Predictive Analytics is, as the name would suggest, a statistical analysis and data mining platform that can be deployed with SAP HANA.N/A
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee$20,701 No. of Use CasesNo setup fee
Additional Details•Annual License Fees •Annual Managed Services
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Community Pulse
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
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Best Alternatives
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
Small Businesses
Score 8.9 out of 10
IBM SPSS Statistics
IBM SPSS Statistics
Score 8.4 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 10.0 out of 10
Score 9.8 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Score 9.8 out of 10
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User Ratings
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
Likelihood to Recommend
(1 ratings)
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User Testimonials
C5i DiscoverySAP Predictive Analytics
Likelihood to Recommend
Course5 Intelligence Limited
Course5 Discovery was able to help my organization with cross-functional data by monetizing it. Our data was transformed into augmented dashboards which are easy to navigate - I've never used a platform like this, so I found that this solution minimal enough for a beginner, but also intelligent enough for a seasoned professional. Course5 Discovery was able to curate personal stories around our data which allowed us to make better business decisions because we were basing them on facts and analytics. More importantly, these analytics are presented in a way that makes sense! The insights provided to our business were a mix of facts that were both predictive and prescriptive, which brought out the business to the next level. We no longer have to take the time to run endless reports, and then spend hours trying to decipher them. Instead, with Course5 Discovery all the information, data, and insights we need are right in front of us when we need it most.
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It's a great tool to merge actual data analysis (which Lumira doesn't do that well) with visualization (which Lumira does well) - so it can be seen as Lumira for data analysts. However, a lot of the 'predictive' side is hidden/black box which can be frustrating for those analysts, so you could argue it is too complex for casual users, but too 'black box' for analysts.
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Course5 Intelligence Limited
  • Data Visualization.
  • Predictive Modeling.
  • Trend Analysis.
  • Data Analysis.
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  • It doesn't require you to have a Ph.D. to build models!
  • You can use it to address a very large and wide dataset without worrying about sampling.
  • Automation is in the product DNA. You can prepare your data, ingest it into the "Kernel", then get insights about what was found, decide to publish it and schedule scoring tasks or model refresh in the same product.
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Course5 Intelligence Limited
  • Multi-Platform use.
  • Mobile Suport.
  • Customization.
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  • Working with this software is very simple and enjoyable for me as [an] IT consultant and expert, but it is a bit complicated for novice users.
  • Some big data takes more time‌to load, which I think could be faster
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Course5 Intelligence Limited
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the UI is a bit dated and available as a desktop tool mostly.
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Support Rating
Course5 Intelligence Limited
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The documentation provides an explanation about what features are available but not necessarily what's happening behind the scenes. On the other side, the "community" has grown since the acquisition and most questions are properly addressed by SAP folks. Since the "product maintenance" mode announcement was made, there wasn't much new content published except on the Smart Predict side (which is built by the SAP Predictive Analytics team)
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Alternatives Considered
Course5 Intelligence Limited
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We have typically used Spotfire for data analysis but decided to move to SAP Business Objects due to its innate connection with SAP. I found Lumira to be good for visualizations but it is not meant for data analysis. Therefore, we have introduced Predictive Analytics to see if it can fill that gap. So far, it's been far less intuitive than Spotfire to get started, and as far as I am aware so far, it does not bring many additional capabilities. I do, however, like that it utilizes the Lumira look/feel and integrates very well.
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Return on Investment
Course5 Intelligence Limited
  • We saved time because the analytics were presented in a way that made sense.
  • Return on Investment.
  • Scalability as a company.
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  • Proper forecasting increases our credibility with partners and customers
  • Forecasting determines the amount of investment in each sector and reduces the cost of additional costs
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C5i Discovery Screenshots

Screenshot of the Executive summary insights (a blend of factual, causal, and predictive insights) for the Director of ecommerce at a large technology enterpriseScreenshot of an Augmented Executive Deck for the Head of eCommerce at a large Technology enterprise.Screenshot of Multi-Modal Responses by Henry Bot powered by Discovery NLP Microservice.Screenshot of Anomalies and Causal Insights published via Discovery Portal for the Warehouse Analyst at a large CPG brand.Screenshot of Executive Summary Insights published via Discovery Portal for the Warehouse Analyst at a large CPG brand.Screenshot of An augmented PowerBI dashboard with actionable narrative insights