Hololink is a web-based Augmented Reality editor which enables creation of AR through a visual no-code solution. AR created in Hololink is served directly in the mobile browser without the use of an app, making the whole process from creation to end-user 100% browser-based. Hololink gives creators access to: A visual storyboard to ensure a clear overview of all end-user interactions and the entire user journey, making it possible to use rich storytelling. The…
per month For 1 white label including all pro features
Spark AR Studio
Score 7.3 out of 10
Spark AR Studio is an augmented reality SDK, from Facebook.
Bypassing the need for a native app brings experiences made with Hololink closer to the consumer, than any of the others. Hololink thus becomes everyday use. Other products will appeal to most people only on occasion or when it is part of some larger environment, as in the case …