CA Configuration Automation Reviews
CA Configuration Automation

CA Configuration AutomationPricing

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CA Configuration Automation Pricing Overview


What is CA Configuration Automation?

CA Configuration Automation from Broadcom automatically discovers network devices, servers, operating systems, applications, databases and middleware, inventories their configuration settings, and maps discovered components to dependent IT services for change impact analysis. CA Configuration…


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CA Configuration Automation Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories


What is Ansible?

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments and…

ServiceNow IT Service Management

What is ServiceNow IT Service Management?

Built on the ServiceNow Now Platform, the IT Service Management bundle provides an agent workspace with knowledge management, and modules supporting issue tracking and problem resolution, change, release and configuration management.


What is Ansible?

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments and…