Fund Accounting made Easy!
Updated January 23, 2019

Fund Accounting made Easy!

Diane Angell | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Abila MIP Fund Accounting

We use MIP fund accounting for our general government and enterprise funds tracking information not only by fund, but department as well. We used to use QuickBooks and switching to MIP enabled us to track shared expenses across funds and the financial reporting ability has been extremely helpful in preparing year end financial statements for our auditors.


  • Creating disbursement codes to share expenses across departments
  • Ability to create your own financial statement formats for various reports
  • Drill down in reports for easy access to detailed data
  • Awesome customer support is always there to help you


  • I would love to be able to have my GL codes print in alphabetical order by name in the Profit and Loss report
  • Print GL Codes alphabetically in P&L
  • My only complaint Print GL codes alphabetically in P&L report
  • Accurately paying accounts payables to the correct department making for more accurate budgets
  • Being able to track expenses by department made us realize that our parks department was seriously under funded
  • Using the payroll tax reporting software made filing payroll tax reports a breeze with no errors and no late filing fees
We are currently tracking a general government fund, three enterprise funds and three grant programs.
We chose MIP for its ability to do true fund accounting and the cost for the software was not over the top outrageous for a small government organization such as ours.
Switching from QuickBooks to MIP fund accounting made it so much easier to truly do my job. [We are] able to have one company with separate funds and departments. Being able to create the accounting code segments to suit your personal needs was nice. The only downside is make sure you are truly satisfied with your accounting code setup because you can't change this after you are using the software. In my case I added an activity code that I don't use.

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