Apricot by Social Solutions - Powerful Tool for Non-Profits
Updated February 15, 2022

Apricot by Social Solutions - Powerful Tool for Non-Profits

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Apricot Core

Overall Satisfaction with Apricot by Social Solutions

It is used across all departments for Non-Profit Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims. The departments include: Shelter, Crisis, Legal, Counseling, and Grant reporting.


  • Build a customized solution to fit specific workflow
  • Build customized reports to pull data from the system
  • Customer support is very responsive.


  • Workflow management (no way to remove in-process workflows)
  • Signature component (make witness optional)
  • Graphing could be enhanced to allow multiple yearly comparisons.
  • CAPER reporting is very cumbersome
  • The ability to complete grant reporting prior to the due dates
  • The ability to start comparing yearly data to see the impact of the agency and where we should focus our attention in the community
  • Ability for crisis staff to immediately have access to the client's information so they are well informed when they take a call. No longer having to search for paper files and review those paper records, prior to speaking with the client. This allows us to communicate much faster in a better-informed way.
  • Ability to pull data quickly to help with new grants we apply for
  • Ability for Legal to create their documentation while in court using their phones
  • Ability to become paperless for all departments
The data we use helps us identify the areas in the community that we need to focus on. A few recent examples are the need to focus on Human Trafficking education and identification, teen sexual assault, the effect COVID-19 has had on those in abusive relationships. We have recently started a new community service department that is using the Apricot data to determine where to create satellite facilities.
Yes, we have been able to increase the number of grants we can apply for due to the data being available to show the justification for those grants. Our donor funding has increased dramatically due to being able document our service data.
Used FamCare, but never made it through implementation. Also had Out Client, and also never made it through that implementation.

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Its flexibility to build out allows Apricot to be well suited for many different non-profits, however, the cost is not always something a non-profit can afford.

Community Engagement

We have a medical advocate program and a Lethality Screening program. Both of these are used in Apricot and are setup for the ability of our crisis center to due outreach at specific times with these clients. They have the ability to know when and what the last outreach outcome was. This has increased our program participation for all services.
We moved our entire staff to work from home. Since Apricot is Web based their were no issues in continuing our work. The challenges we had with Apricot were around the ability to send out our surveys and consent forms using the web based forms. It was too hard for the clients to complete. Our survey return rate dropped drastically. It would be nice to have a cleaner way to get this types of forms to clients. We do not use Connect as our clients can not afford to be exposed using a system by the abuser.

We did have to change our counseling sessions and Crisis interventions to be virtual using Zoom.
The data has helped us apply and obtain new grants in different areas then we have before. We have used the data to help us determine what communities need our services but are not able to obtain them. The fact that we have all departments using Apricot allows a full picture of the client for any of our departments staff. The ability to work with that client has become more informed and more efficient.
We have numerous bulletins (reports) that display on the user's home page. Client appointments, Lethality Outreach Schedule, Medical Accompaniment Outreach Schedule, Clients approved or attending group counseling sessions, clients that need to be added to the counseling waitlist. This gives staff one place to go to see what tasks need to be completed and easy access to the records.

We have number of aggregate reports that help out with our funding amounts and our Counseling sessions.

Using Apricot by Social Solutions

50 - Crisis/Hotline
Medical Advocate
Grant Reporting
Community Services
2 - To build out the system, the person needs to have a computer science background with database knowledge, ability to construct forms that will be both user friendly and obtain the correct data points needed. They also need to think outside the box and develop ways of obtaining data that has not been thought of before. They need to have excellent communication skills to help guide the end users.
  • Full Client Intake for Crisis and Legal (could be 30+ forms based on the case)
  • Pulling the needed reporting data for over 50 grants
  • Begin using case management with our community services department
  • Using reporting to document outcomes to increase support and funding
  • Client Appointments - Allows staff to know who has an appointment, who has canceled and who is a repeated no-show.
  • Aggregate reports that show each staff members funding allocation and if they are meeting the funding assignment. This is critical for grant funding.
  • Connecting the legal department to the crisis department once they are cleared from any conflict checking
  • Connecting forensic exam clients to legal staff via easy access to legal calendar for appointments
  • Creating the semi-annual lethality report, pulling the data from Apricot and manipulating in a spreadsheet to conform to the required output. Use to take staff member 2 to 3 weeks, now it is about 1 hour
  • Ability to have staff document assigned tasks time spent for management review
I have not found a better solution with the flexibility we need. The only reason I would have to look at something else is if the prices becomes something we can not afford.

Apricot by Social Solutions Support

Support in general is very good, the one area that I continue to have issues with is the CAPER reports. There is not as much knowledge around how these reports work and it at times can take awhile to resolve the issues. I have yet to run those reports without having to log cases.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes, there is a need to have access to support without a limited number of case openings.
Yes - I have reported issues but the communication of when they are resolved is not always received.
I recently had an aggregate report that was no longer working. I was not able to determine why as no changes had been made to the report. The support specialist was able identify the issue (a apostrophe in the name field) and resolve the issue quickly.

Using Apricot by Social Solutions

I have used and developed many systems and this one was very easy to learn and maintain and train new users on.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Building Forms
  • Building reports
  • Workflows
  • Data Entry
  • Searching
  • User maintenance
  • CAPER and APR report
  • Secure Web Forms
Yes - We currently do not use it has we have forms with functionality the mobile solution does not support


  • Kim Phipps | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Thank you for taking the time to provide so much detail as this helps people understand how you've used the flexibility of Apricot to create many innovative uses. We are grateful for your review!

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