Easy and fun to use - and for free
January 11, 2022
Easy and fun to use - and for free

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Cypress.io
Testing of a web-based library, with multiple panes and buttons as well as context menus, similar to the windows file explores dynamic content provided from [an] MSSQL database through an API backend.
- Running test directly after saving in the IDE.
- Calling tests and browser through the IDE.
- Async waiting for elements to appear.
- Retrying tests for a certain time until they succeed or finally fail.
- Very stable tests.
- Finding elements very reliably.
- Easy to learn.
- Pick tool to identify elements doesn't work well.
- Easier installation or manual for it.
- High usability.
- Async waiting for elements and events.
- Non flaky tests.
- Rerun of tests upon save.
- Full integration into IDE.
- Free to use.
- Fast results.
- Very stable to run on deployment pipelines.
Easier to use from the start. Back to front workflow integration makes it more fun to use than Selenium. Usable for free other than very expensive Smartbear solutions.
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Using Cypress.io
1 - Head of QA and automation engineer for web-based applications.
1 - JavaScript and Testing knowledge.
- Renaming folders.
- Update functionality.
- Version tracking.
- Language links.
- Headless testing in building pipelines.
Evaluating Cypress.io and Competitors
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
We were completely new to web application testing and Cypress gave us an easy start.
Wouldn't change it.
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