Quality Edge Delivery Service
December 09, 2021
Quality Edge Delivery Service

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Fastly Deliver@Edge
We used Fastly both as the pre-configured caching backbone for all our customers as well as a highly-customized edge provider for customers who required more control than the pre-configured version gave them. The use cases could be anything from SEO optimization to enhanced security protection. We also implemented Fastly as a means of providing additional functionality, such as edge logging and image optimization, that could be scaled across multiple web properties with a single configuration.
- Comprehensive API.
- Feature-rich UI.
- Excellent documentation.
- Fine-grained custom VCL.
- WAF is hard to configure.
- No comprehensive rate limiting without a pricey upgrade.
- Account access controls are extremely limited.
- Support.
- Security - either the in-house waf or recent Signal Sciences acquisition.
- Speed.
- API-driven allows us to use Terraform or custom REST calls to quickly spin up new configurations.
- Adding a custom fastly implementation to our sales SKUs opened up 10s of millions of dollars in ARR in a single year.
- Fastly enabled us to sell to nearly 100 customers a year that we otherwise would not have been able to service.
- We did end up needing to spend nearly $500k/yr for custom TLS certificates (2000 domains).
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