The WCM Factory
Overall Satisfaction with IBM Web Content Manager
My client is located in more than 35 countries.
As you may imagine each countries has their own business activities and particularity.
The problem was to find a CMS with the following qualities :
¤ robust
¤ multi-language
¤ ergonomic
¤ easy to use
- Multi-language implementations
- It's easy to create a complex page with the Authoring/Presentation templates.
- A good range of different components (HTML, JSP, Navigator, ...)
- No interruption (stabile)
- WCM 7 don't work properly with all browsers (specially IE).
- There are also some problems with the JRE installed on the machine on clients.
- When you have a lot of libraries, you have to conform to the inter-library references.
- Therefore that's hard to maintain clean a large quantity of library) .... and gradually it becomes impossible to flush those references.
- A specific development cost a lot.
- Could be a good thing to make easier the development of portlets.
- Liferay Portal,Joomla!,Magento,PrestaShop
Magento and Prestashop are E-commerce CMS platforms.
They are used in a different scale of application than WCM.
They are used in a different scale of application than WCM.
Concerning Joomla, it's a useful CMS forsmaller website.
Once again this is an other scale of application than WCM
Liveray can compete WCM 7 concerning the :
¤ specific development
¤ security
¤ responsive
Once again this is an other scale of application than WCM
Liveray can compete WCM 7 concerning the :
¤ specific development
¤ security
¤ responsive
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