Groupon Review
March 01, 2019

Groupon Review

Sean McCormick | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Predictive Playbooks

It has been used by Groupon with my team first. We have implemented it help us with our 10 day play. Playbooks makes it a lot easier to make the play go smoothly. It allows for a lot more organization and in return it makes the whole play go over smoothly compared to before.


  • Great organization
  • Timely reminders
  • Smooth transitioning


  • Hard to make multiple calls with same account
  • Some accounts get re-sent over and go through the play twice
  • Some accounts don't automatically go into Playbooks
  • Rep productivity
  • Rep organizational skills
  • Rep efficiency
It has been helpful for sure but there is times where it isn't helpful and it makes our process just tedious. The organizational skills are nice and helps my day be a lot smoother. Although like I said before there are times where when the decision maker is contacted the Playbooks doesn't act accordingly and actually affects us negatively.
It wasn't my choice to use this. I think our business decided to use it was because of its good reviews online and its ability to work along side with salesforce. As well as how it has been proven to help reach the decision maker faster and I think that helps us a lot.
It is well suited for the whole play in general. Being able to go through my day and do all of step 1 or all of step 3 and doing them together makes it easier. Being able to do all my calls for one step or all my emails makes my day go a lot smoother.


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