Secure artifact registry management tool for storing and securing containers images
May 19, 2022
Secure artifact registry management tool for storing and securing containers images

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with JFrog Artifactory
JFrog Artifactory has been used in my organization primarily as private artifact registry to manage and store application packages, component dependencies, application libraries, Docker containers and images, and Helm charts. As a business usecase, the product has been integrated in our Azure Devops CI/CD pipeline which means the docker images are scanned and pulled in from the artifact registry before the images gets eventually deployed from the release pipeline to our Kubernetes cluster, in our case its Openshift. The product can easily integrate with our existing technology stack and thereby overcome the complexity of working with different software package management systems, and hence provides consistency to our Cl/CD process.
- Artifactory Management acting as a repository manager of docker images, application and component dependencies
- Automate pipelines and thereby releasing changes faster
- Supports high availability and scalability with multi site replication
- Product support can be improved so that the problem ticket can be addressed quickly
- Enterprise version is bit costly
- Retrieving images from artifactory registry sometimes result in a cached image which enforce our CI pipeline to rebuild the entire image for the latest changes to reflect
- They are highly available and scalable with multi site replication
- Its one of the best to be used as a private container image registry
- It has its own JFrog pipelines which has a full integration and support to provide an end to end CI-CD pipeline
- It has its own mature private registry which not only provides an artificatory management product but also all images are securely scanned along with container security
- It has a integration of its own jfrog pipelines so that it can seamlessly work with the existing technology stack
- It has also very good integration and support with various CI, build and monitoring tools
- JFrog Pipelines (formerly Shippable) and JFrog Xray
JFrog pipelines are being used in the same ecosystem as an integrated environment, to support CI-CD devops journey. This eventually helps the existing team to use both the features of the same product in a seamless way.Similar Xray, can be used as a secure measure to protect your containers and can be used as a Static Code analysis tool which can also be integrated in a Devops CI pipeline as a Left shift security strategy.
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