Love the product
January 30, 2017

Love the product

Devon Grier | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zix Email Encryption (ZixEncrypt)

It is being used by the whole company to manage our email encryption. We purchased it with several other centers which partner with SyCare.


  • First off being Linux based the underlying OS needs little maintenance and never needs to be rebooted.
  • The web interface is intuitive and has several options for configuration.
  • The upgrade process is super easy, run the ISO and go.
  • Great customer service, reach very knowledgeable people.


  • Customer service number is hard to find when you have a serious problem.
  • Could allow more control over the server OS
  • Needs a updated UI for the webpage
  • The product gives us a peace of mind, we know when we send something out that item has been encrypted.
  • It has been easy to train staff on how to use the product. Rarely have to retrain staff.
  • We purchased it with several other centers, this makes sending site to site encrypted emails very easy.
We actually did not look at any other products, zix was our first choice.
Well, the best case I can speak of is how we use it - email encryption. It helps ensure your data makes it to the other end in a safe matter.

Using Zix Email Encryption (ZixEncrypt)

Easy to use and set up as long as you have a basic understanding of Linux.


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