

Solace PubSub+ event-broker technology enables open and event-driven data movement between applications, devices and people across clouds using open APIs and protocols.

Open data movement helps companies modernize legacy applications and successfully pursue big data, cloud and IoT strategies. Solace PubSub+ is fast, robust, and easily manageable.

PubSub+ supports all messaging patterns (queueing, Pub/Sub, Request/Reply, P2P), along with most popular open source protocols and APIs (MQTT, AMQP, REST, JMS). Solace can be deployed as software, purpose-built hardware in the datacenter and IoT environments, or procured as a fully managed service. Solace provides both a PubSub+ Standard (Free) edition of our software for developers to get started and scale to production as well as Enterprise editions for very high scalability needs and 24x7 support.
