Watershed Systems, Inc

Watershed Systems, Inc

Watershed is dedicated to changing the world of learning by helping corporate training and learning departments get more from their learning and development initiatives. This includes the creation of a customizable learning analytics platform that measures training effectiveness and helps maximize investments in learning. Made possible by a technology called the Experience API (a.k.a., Tin Can API), Watershed enables users to explore all their learning data in one place and measure how L&D programs are impacting their organizations.

The People Behind the Product

Our team has been in the learning and development space for 15 years. From building the middleware that some of largest formal learning systems operate on, to developing the first learning analytics platform powered by xAPI, we’ve seen it all.

We’ve built a culture of autonomy, respect, and trust. Inside and outside our brightly colored walls, our team approaches each day with a basic set of principles that enables us to delight customers and build amazing products. One of our core values is “Be very real.” So, in the spirit of being real, here are three things we believe:

    1. Regardless of what anyone says, there isn’t just one right way of approaching Learning and Development.
    2. Doing things differently is totally fine. In fact, we respect it.
    3. It’s okay to make mistakes. We won’t judge—we’ll figure it out together.
