Altair SLC (formerly the WPS industrial analytics platform, acquired by Altair in late 2021) is designed for data science and heavyweight data processing with the languages of SAS and R. Best known for its SAS language compiler, the software includes advanced graphical user interfaces, robust, high-performance data processing and production-ready application frameworks.
SAS Enterprise Guide
Score 8.8 out of 10
SAS Enterprise Guide is a menu-driven, Windows GUI tool for SAS.
WPS Analytics allowed our company's business users to keep using their existing programs while getting similar results with much less learning time. It's a great accomplishment when software for business users is changed—excellent relationships with providers and other salespeople. As a SAS user, I needed an interpreter for the SAS language, and WPS has more packages and a lower price than any other company I could find, so I decided to go with it.
SAS Enterprise Guide is good at taking various datasets and giving analyst/user ability to do some transformations without substantial amounts of code. Once the data is inside SAS, the memory of it is very efficient. Using SAS for data analysis can be helpful. It will give good statistics for you, and it has a robust set of functions that aid analysis.
Currently, I barely encounter challenges when using WPS Analytics although I don't use it on a daily basis. There's no functionality or feature that needs more improvement.
Process time of data is a bit long. It depends on the size of your data and complexity of your project tree.
There is not enough online free training videos.
While working with the project tree sometimes the links between the modules are broken or the order for running the modules get mixed up. You should know your project tree by heart.
It's not all bad, but I don't believe that an enterprise purchase of SAS is worth the expense considering the widely available set of tools in the data analytics space at the moment. In my company, it's a good tool because others use it. Otherwise, I wouldn't purchase a new set of it because it doesn't have some of the better analytical functions in it.
Although I use SAS support for information on functions, these are SAS related and haven't really come across anything that is specifically for SAS EG.
I've not worked hands-on with the implementation team, but there were no escalations barring a few hiccups in the deployment due to change in requirement & adoption to our company's remote servers.
I use a lot of data discovery and visualization tools at workstations to help me gain deep insights into data. WPS Analytics doesn't vary much from all the DVD tools that I have listed, I always go for the best.
Why I prefer SAS EG: Data processing speed is much faster than that R Studio. It can load any amount of data and any type of data like structured or unstructured or semi-structured. Its output delivery system by which we have the output in PDF file makes it very comfortable to use and share that file to clients very easily. Inbuilt functions are very powerful and plentiful. Facility of writing macros makes it far away from its competitors.
Positive (cost): SAS made a bundle that include unlimited usage of SAS/Enterprise Guide with a server solution. That by itself made the company save a lot of money by not having to pay individual licences anymore.
Positive (insight): Data analysts in business units often need to crunch data and they don't have access to ETL tools to do it. Having access to SAS/EG gives them that power.
Positive (time to market): Having the users develop components with SAS/EG allows for easier integration in a production environment (SAS batch job) as no code rework is required.