New Jersey based Infragistics offers .NET controls.
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Progress Telerik
Score 9.9 out of 10
With Telerik UI libraries, Progress aims to equip .NET ninjas with a full arsenal of weapons, helping to create beautiful, modern and future-proof applications quickly and intuitively. The vendor states that with its over 1,250 UI components for all .NET platforms, as well as various themes, skins and customization options, Telerik users report cutting development time by up to 50 percent. Web
Angular is our framework of choice for a number of reasons. Business data is almost always displayed in a grid format. It makes sense to start with a strong widget that is powerful and fast when building applications. Ignite UI provides a complete toolset of widgets for other frameworks, but Angular is our focus. Ignite UI is helping us deliver a great UX/UI.
We have used the Telerik UI controls for our Admin user experience. We found that this lead to consistent user experience, with feature rich functions already provided. Effectively this meant that hour for hour, using the Telerik UI improved productivity in creating screens with more functions than using the default controls in ASP.NET. At this point most of our focus with the Telerik controls is User Interface oriented.
The Telerik UI has become part of our staple development tools. We can not be as productive without the feature set available to us in the Telerik UI ASP.NET AJAX control package.
Progress Telerik UI is very usable and one of the best tools to use by the front-end development engineers in our team. It has helped us to improve the overall design of our existing and new applications. Also, the time to build applications has also been reduced effectively and we are able to focus on other areas of improvement to deliver a better user experience for our customers.
Telerik UI support is what you are paying for. If something does not work you ask them for an example of how to solve your use case. The SEO on their sites is awesome and so well bedded into Google. The videos are good, [they're] not used much but their examples and DoJo examples make all the difference.
We tried DevExpress when we started a project a couple of years ago. At the time, the documentation and ease of use went to Infragistics. When trying new or updated tools, the documentation and samples are everything. Having minimal documentation or documentation that seems to be written for people that already know how to use the product is just plain frustrating. Samples need to be something close to the real-life usage of the product.
Progress Telerik UI provides a large amount of language support, demos, and documentation. While the competition is still great in their own right, Progress Telerik UI has provided enough resources to cover a number of current and future projects without having to expand to other libraries.