Pay for the extra training/support.
April 20, 2022
Pay for the extra training/support.

Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Barracuda Security Awareness Training (formerly Barracuda Phishline)
Phishing training is great and should be implemented at any business. We use it to help train our staff who are click-happy, to recognize dangerous emails or potential threats. Without the training, employees tend to click on every link, and every email and will send valuable information such as passwords. Phishline helps us secure our accounts.
- Premade campaigns.
- Hard to use/understand.
- No good documentation on use.
- Can get very confusing at times.
- The program overall makes it hard to really get what you are looking for without paying for extra support.
- Not new user friendly.
- Phishing training.
- Phish Alert button.
- Reporting on training.
- It has taught some of our older employees to recognize bad emails.
- I don't feel my money is well spent on the program itself.
- KnowBe4 PhishER and Proofpoint Insider Threat Management (ObserveIT)
KnowBe4 program has a much easier-to-understand GUI and flows much nicer. It's easier to make campaigns as well.
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