DISCO rocks the world of e-discovery!
Overall Satisfaction with DISCO
We use DISCO as an electronic discovery review tool. Currently, all of our cases that require a review tool are being hosted in DISCO. We are able to collect data from our clients, review the data for relevancy, and ultimately produce the data to the opposing party. Additionally, we use DISCO to review data that is produced by opposing parties.
- DISCO provides an easy to learn and use platform.
- DISCO is one of the most cost--efficient platforms on the market.
- DISCO provides many search capabilities that greatly decrease the time spent in review.
- Provide a mechanism for the user to load data with load files and link fields from the load files to database fields.
- Provide the ability to view documents on one screen, while having the documents list on another screen.
- Provide the ability to retain your place in a review without re-running the search after it sits for a period of time.
- DISCO has saved our clients tons of money in hosting fees, as well as hourly fees in time spent reviewing documents.
- With DISCO's search capabilities, a review that could take weeks or months by many can be performed in days or weeks by fewer personnel.
- With DISCO, actions that previously had to be contracted out to a vendor can now be handled in-house at a much cheaper cost.
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