July 08, 2023

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- Hosted accounting, payroll
Overall Satisfaction with Foundation Software Construction Accounting
Foundations has been a wonderful relief. You can build reports that you need. Several normal reports are at the click of a button. It lets you add shortcuts on the side and reorder them easily. I love that when looking at a report in the system, if something is blue, I can click on it and it opens it in another tab. I can have multiple tabs open. Jump from doing one thing to another and back again. I import employees from the onboarding system. That saves enormous amounts of time. It tracks pto, eeo, tax info. It has made things more efficient for me.
- stores images of documents with invoice or ar
- imports time for payroll
- imports employee information from onboarding
- it has frozen on me while working-though this has not happened often
- when saving, it has forgotten the mapping
- time management
- efficiency
- reporting
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